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  • 7 min read

Oranges are a popular citrus fruit that can give your diet a fresh, healthy balance. You can enjoy them as a midday snack or pair freshly squeezed orange juice with breakfast.

But you might wonder if oranges are safe for your dog. The good news is that these tangy citrus fruits are safe for dogs in small quantities. But since it’s a fruit rich in natural sugars, you need to be aware of a few cautions before sharing this treat with your dog.

In this article, we'll talk about how to feed oranges to your dog safely and what health benefits he or she will get from eating them.

4 Amazing Health Benefits of Oranges For Dogs

Let’s first discuss some of the amazing health benefits of oranges for dogs:

1. Vitamin C Powerhouse

Oranges are widely acclaimed for their high vitamin C content. It makes them an ideal snack for sick, stressed, or aging dogs that often suffer from vitamin C deficiency. 

This vitamin will help their immune system by making their white blood cells work harder and by making more antibodies, which protect their body. It will also promote joint and bone health and help prevent arthritis in older dogs.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

Oranges are packed with flavonoids and carotenoids that are potent natural antioxidants. They help keep your dog protected from the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. In turn, this helps prevent a number of long-term health problems, such as lung diseases, allergies, autoimmune disorders, and heart diseases.

Even the anti-inflammatory properties of antioxidants help boost the dogs’ immune systems and prevent arthritis and various eye problems like cataracts.

3. Provides Soluble Fiber

Oranges are a rich source of soluble fibers that can help improve your dog’s digestive health. These fibers are fermented in your dog’s colon to produce short-chain fatty acids that feed the good bacteria and prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the gut.

Furthermore, soluble fibers can also support bowel regularity by absorbing excess water in the dog’s stomach and preventing diarrhea.

4. Contains Many Minerals

Oranges can provide your dog with a variety of essential minerals. This fruit is especially rich in calcium, a mineral required for the proper growth and development of your dog’s bones, muscles, and teeth. It also supports their heart and brain health.

Additionally, oranges also contain magnesium and potassium, which work together with calcium to improve your dog’s muscle strength and bone health. These minerals also help support various other important functions in your dog’s body.

How to Feed Oranges to a Dog

Now that you’re all excited about sharing oranges with your pup, let’s discuss some suggestions about how to incorporate this fruit into their diet correctly.

The Right Portion Sizes

Oranges are a safe fruit for dogs, but only when eaten in small amounts. That’s because oranges have moderately high levels of sugar, and in the long run, consuming too much sugar can lead to many health problems, gastrointestinal upset, and weight gain. Even the acidic nature of oranges can lead to health problems for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

By limiting how many oranges your dog eats, you can make sure he gets the most benefits from them without getting sick. 

Ideally, it’s recommended that treats like oranges shouldn’t exceed 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. That means you can serve 1 or 2 orange slices to a small dog and 3 to 4 orange slices to a large dog, as an occasional treat. You can also consult with your veterinarian to determine the exact amount of orange slices you can add to your dog’s diet.

Also, if your dog has diabetes or another health problem, you should talk to your vet before making any changes to its diet.

What Parts of Oranges Are Safe for Dogs?

When talking about oranges, most pet owners want to know if dogs can eat orange peels. The answer is a little complicated because, while the peels aren’t toxic, they can be hard to chew and digest for a dog. These orange peels also contain some oils that can lead to upset stomachs and other gastrointestinal issues.

In most cases, when a dog accidentally eats a small amount of orange peel, they may try to vomit it up, or it might cause diarrhea.

But in some extreme cases, orange peels can get lodged in your dog’s digestive tract, causing an obstruction. This situation can be dangerous, so it is suggested you keep your dog away from orange peels.

The same goes for the orange seeds. They aren’t toxic, but they are hard to digest and can lead to stomach upset and intestinal obstruction.

The white, stringy part of the orange between the peel and fruit, called the pith, is safe for dogs. It contains many antioxidants and fiber that can be beneficial for your dog’s health.

What Types of Oranges Can Dogs Eat?

In the market, you'll find a wide variety of oranges. They are mostly distinguished based on their sizes, colors, and sweetness. 

The good news is that dogs can eat all kinds of oranges, including mandarin oranges, tangerines, blood oranges, clementines, etc. But you should be mindful of the portion sizes and feed only a few slices of orange to your dog occasionally.

How to Add Oranges to a Dog’s Diet

You can simply peel and feed orange slices to your dog as a treat. But there’s a chance that your dog won’t enjoy the tart taste of oranges. In such cases, you can try some of the following quick and simple recipes if you want to add oranges to your dog's diet:

  • Serve orange slices with dog-friendly yogurt
  • Make popsicle sticks by blending some orange slices and other fruits like banana
  • Make dog-friendly orange ice cream
  • Dehydrate a few slices and serve as treat 
How Not to Add Oranges to a Dog’s Diet

While fresh oranges are safe and healthy for a dog, they should be kept away from some packaged orange products. For example, orange marmalade and canned orange slices contain additional seasonings and high amounts of sugar that can be harmful in the long run. 

The same goes for packed orange juice. It contains high amounts of sugar, and consuming too much sugar can lead to various health problems for your dog. You can however feed them a small amount of freshly squeezed orange juice that doesn't contain any additional ingredients.

Are There Any Dangers to Feeding Oranges to a Dog?

Oranges are safe for dogs, but they should be considered a treat that can supplement their healthy and well-balanced meal. It’s because oranges contain moderately high amounts of natural sugar, which isn’t inherently bad, but if too much sugar is eaten, it can lead to a sudden blood sugar spike, especially in diabetic dogs. 

That’s why it’s also recommended that if your dog has any preexisting health conditions, you consult with a veterinarian before feeding them oranges.

Another caution is to remove the orange peels and seeds before feeding an orange slice to your dog. These parts aren’t toxic, but they are also not digestible and could lead to many health problems.

In most cases, when a dog accidentally eats a small amount of orange peel, they may try to vomit it up, or it might cause diarrhea. But if that doesn’t happen, you should look out for the following signs of intestinal blockage:

  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Bloating 
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Continuous whining
  • Muscle tremors and spasms
  • Restlessness
  • Pain in the abdomen

If you notice any of these signs, they might indicate a blockage, and you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Summing Up

Orange is a safe and healthy fruit for a dog. It’s a vitamin C powerhouse that can have many immunity-boosting benefits for your pup. Even the antioxidants and fiber in this fruit can help a dog's digestive system and prevent several long-term health problems.

Just be careful of the portion sizes and serve only a few orange slices to your dog as an occasional treat. You can also try making delicious recipes like orange ice cream or popsicles with dog-friendly ingredients.

But if you have any more questions, you can talk to your vet before giving your dog an orange.


Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding oranges to a dog: 

1. How many oranges can a dog eat?

Depending on their size, you can serve 1 or 2 orange slices to a small dog and 3 to 4 orange slices to a large dog as an occasional treat. 

You can also talk to your veterinarian to determine the right amount of oranges to feed your dog based on their health conditions and nutritional requirements.

2. Can a dog eat orange peel?

Orange peels aren't toxic for a dog, but they are hard to chew and digest. They also contain some oils that can lead to upset stomachs and other gastrointestinal issues.

If your dog accidentally eats a small amount of orange peel, they might try to vomit it up, or it might cause diarrhea.

But in some extreme cases, orange peels can get lodged in your dog’s digestive tract, causing an obstruction.

3. Can a dog have mandarin oranges?

Yes, dogs can eat all types of oranges, including mandarin oranges.

4. Can a dog with diabetes eat oranges?

Oranges contain natural sugar, which isn’t inherently bad, but it can lead to a sudden blood sugar spike, especially in diabetic dogs. That's why if your dog has diabetes you shouldn't feed them oranges or make any other changes to their diet without first talking to a vet.

5. Can a dog drink orange juice?

No, you should avoid feeding orange juice to your dog. It has a lot of sugar, and consuming too much sugar, in the long run, can lead to many health problems, gastrointestinal upset, and weight gain.

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  • 6 min read

Broccoli is considered a superfood due to its numerous health benefits. It's a crunchy, green vegetable that you can enjoy as part of a healthy diet.

But can dogs eat broccoli? The answer is a little complicated because broccoli is safe for dogs in small amounts. There are a few more precautions that you should know before feeding this vegetable to your dog.

We have explored all these details in the article below.

4 Key Health Benefits of Broccoli for Your Dog

Let’s first start by understanding the four amazing health benefits of broccoli for a dog:

1. Rich in Dietary Fiber

Broccoli is a good source of dietary fiber. It can help your dog's digestive system and make sure he has regular bowel movements by soaking up extra water and giving the stool more bulk. 

During digestion, this fiber also gets converted into fatty acids, which helps prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the dog’s gut. It also supports the growth and activity of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Aside from that, it is known that fiber indirectly helps lower blood sugar and bad cholesterol.

2. Rich Source of Antioxidants

Broccoli contains a high amount of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant that helps strengthen the dog's immune system. It also scavenges harmful free radicals and helps remove them from the dog’s body.

Another important compound found in broccoli is glucoraphanin, which gets converted into sulforaphane during digestion. Sulforaphane helps activate antioxidant enzymes in your dog’s body. It can even cross the blood-brain barrier and increase antioxidant activity in the dog’s brain.

Both of these antioxidants can not only help reduce inflammation but also helps prevent various respiratory diseases, allergies, vision-related problems, arthritis, and heart diseases.

3. Provides Many Nutrients

Broccoli is considered a healthy vegetable mainly due to its nutrient content. It's full of vitamins and minerals that can be a great addition to your dog's diet and help them stay healthy overall. 

Below is a breakdown of all the important nutrients present in broccoli:

  • Vitamin C - Helps boost the immune system and reduce inflammation
  • Vitamin K - Required for blood clotting, an important process that helps stop bleeding when injured. It also supports calcium accumulation in bones and prevents it from depositing in the soft tissues, heart, and arteries.
  • Vitamin A - Can help support healthy vision and proper bone growth
  • Calcium - Required for proper growth and maintenance of bones, muscles, and teeth
  • Magnesium - Supports muscle health and a healthy immune system
  • Phosphorus - Supports healthy kidney function and muscle contractions that aid in motor functions
  • Potassium - Helps boost metabolism and cognitive function 
4. Supports Eye Health

Broccoli contains three carotenoids called lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. Among these, beta-carotene gets converted to vitamin A which helps improve their eyesight, especially night vision. 

On the other hand, lutein and zeaxanthin helps support retina health.

Which Parts of Broccoli Can a Dog Eat?

There are two parts to the broccoli plant: the florets and the stalk, or stem. Both of these are safe but not necessarily healthy for a dog. Let’s discuss both of these parts in a little more detail:

Can dogs eat broccoli florets?

Broccoli florets are safe for dogs but in small quantities. You should be careful about the portion sizes because these florets contain isothiocyanate. It’s a naturally occurring sulfur-based plant compound found in many green vegetables. 

In small quantities, isothiocyanate is harmless to dogs. But when eaten in large amounts, it can lead to nausea, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Also, if your dog eats a lot of isothiocyanates, it can also cause severe stomach irritation in some cases.

You can avoid this by giving your dog broccoli as a treat once in a while and making sure that its total intake is less than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie needs.

Can dogs eat broccoli stems?

You can feed broccoli stalks or stems to your dog in small quantities. Also before feeding make sure you cut them up into bite-size chunks to avoid any risk of choking or intestinal obstruction.

How to Feed Broccoli to Your Dog

There are various ways to feed broccoli to your dog. You can boil, steam, or cook this vegetable, but make sure you don’t add any seasoning as it could be harmful to your dog’s health and might lead to an upset stomach.

If you decide to feed raw broccoli to your dog, wash it thoroughly to remove any bacteria and pesticides. You can also buy organic broccoli which contains fewer pesticides.

It’s also important that you cut the vegetable into small pieces to avoid any risk of choking. You can boil or steam broccoli to soften the pieces, especially if you have a small breed dog.

Even though it's a healthy vegetable, it might not be palatable to your dog. If your dog is a fussy eater, you can try any of the following fun recipes for feeding broccoli to your dog:

  • Make a puree of broccoli with other dog-friendly fruits or yogurt. Serve as it is or freeze the mixture in ice-cube trays
  • Boil & serve broccoli chunks with bone broth
  • Serve boiled broccoli with their favorite home-cooked protein like salmon or chicken

Is Broccoli Harmful to Dogs?

Broccoli is a healthy vegetable for a dog as long as you are mindful of the portion sizes. The florets contain isothiocyanate, which is a sulfur-based plant compound. It’s harmless in small quantities, but when eaten in large amounts, it can lead to nausea, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. 

In some dogs, large amounts of isothiocyanate can even result in severe gastric irritation.

Ideally, broccoli should be considered a treat that makes up less than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. But you can consult with a veterinarian to determine the exact amount of broccoli to feed your dog. They will be able to give you better advice based on your dog's age, breed, body weight, dietary needs, and health.

Furthermore, as with any other food, your dog might have an allergic reaction to broccoli. So try to start with a small quantity and monitor their reaction for 24 to 48 hours. 

You should look out for any of the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling on the face, eyes, or ears
  • Itchiness or hives
  • Constant sneezing or licking
  • Red or inflamed skin
  • Itchy ears
  • Itchy and runny eyes

If your dog experiences any of these symptoms after feeding a new food like broccoli, contact a veterinarian immediately.

Summing Up

Broccoli is a healthy and nutritious vegetable that can help your dog in many ways. It can help reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, and support digestive health. Even the vitamins and minerals in this vegetable can be a great addition to what your dog eats every day.

But you should watch the serving sizes and only serve a small amount of broccoli every so often. Also, make sure you cut the broccoli into small chunks to avoid any risk of choking.

If you have any more questions, you should talk to your vet before giving your dog broccoli.


Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding broccoli to your dog:

1. Can a dog eat raw broccoli?

Yes, dogs can eat raw broccoli, but make sure you wash it thoroughly before feeding. You should also cut the florets into small pieces to avoid any risk of choking.

If you have a small dog, try to boil or steam the broccoli to soften the pieces.

2. Can a dog eat broccoli stems?

Broccoli stems are safe for your dog but in small quantities. In some cases, there’s a risk of choking and intestinal obstruction as the stem can be hard to chew, especially for smaller dogs. You can easily avoid this by cutting the stem into small pieces before serving.

3. Can a dog eat broccoli florets?

Yes, a dog can eat broccoli florets, but in small quantities. These florets contain isothiocyanate, which is a naturally occurring sulfur-based plant compound. It’s harmless in small amounts, but when eaten in large quantities, it can lead to nausea, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. 

In some cases, a lot of isothiocyanates can also cause severe irritation of the stomach.

4. Can a dog with pancreatitis eat broccoli?

Broccoli can be safe for a dog with pancreatitis, but you should consider talking to a veterinarian before making any changes to your dog’s diet if they suffer from any preexisting health condition.

5. Can diabetic dogs eat broccoli?

Broccoli is a healthy vegetable that has low fat and high fiber content, which can be beneficial for diabetic dogs. But if your dog already has health problems, you should talk to your vet before giving it any new food.

6. Can a dog eat broccoli soup?

Yes, your dog can have broccoli soup if it's made with dog-friendly ingredients and doesn’t contain any seasoning.

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  • 6 min read

Cucumbers are a popular lean and green vegetable. Well, technically they’re considered fruits as they grow from flowers and contain seeds. We call them vegetables because of how they are used in the culinary world.

Apart from salads, we use cucumbers for healthy smoothies, sandwiches, and of course pickles. But can we share this super healthy vegetable with our dogs?

5 Awesome Benefits of Cucumbers for Dogs

Cucumber is completely safe for our dogs. In fact, you can use them as a healthy alternative to other conventional dog treats or biscuits. Most dogs enjoy the crunchy and refreshing texture of this vegetable.

But if you need more reasons to incorporate this delicious vegetable into your dog’s diet, let’s discuss the 5 amazing health benefits of feeding cucumber to your dog.


1. Rich in Antioxidants

Cucumbers contain various flavonoids like apigenin, quercetin, kaempferol, and fisetin. These are naturally occurring antioxidant compounds that can protect your dog’s body from oxidation - a term used to describe the damage caused by free radicals.

This helps prevent the onset of various health conditions including respiratory and heart diseases.

The anti-inflammatory properties of antioxidants can help prevent eye problems like cataracts and blindness in dogs. In older dogs, it also supports joint health and the immune system.

2. Aids Digestive Health

Cucumber is a good source of dietary fiber that can aid your dog’s digestive health. It’s particularly rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that absorbs water in the digestive tract and moves slowly through the intestines to ensure the nutrients are being absorbed at a steady pace. This promotes bowel regularities, reduces diarrhea, and even helps prevent high cholesterol and diabetes. 

A high-fiber diet can also help reduce the risk of various health conditions in your dog.

3. Contains Many Nutrients

Cucumber has an impressive nutrient profile. It contains vitamin C which is an important antioxidant and vitamin K which is needed for blood clotting or coagulation, an important process that helps reduce bleeding when injured. This vitamin is also required to prevent calcium deposits in the heart and arteries. 

Apart from that, cucumber also contains essential minerals. They’re especially rich in potassium which supports muscle growth, cognitive function, and bone health. 

In trace amounts, cucumber also contains magnesium and manganese both of which are important minerals required for the proper health and functioning of various organs in your dog’s body.

4. Provides Hydration

Cucumber is 95% water which makes them an ideal treat to promote hydration. You can feed a few small slices of chilled raw cucumber to your dog on a hot summer day after a play session or a walk. It’ll help rehydrate and re-energize their body.

But please remember that you still need to always provide fresh drinking water to avoid dehydration, especially during the summer.

5. Freshens The Breath

Cucumber is filled with phytonutrients and phytochemicals that can effectively kill bacteria in your dog’s mouth. It helps improve their oral hygiene and the smell of their breath.

However, you cannot substitute cucumber for a consistent oral hygiene routine that includes brushing their teeth regularly.

How to Feed a Cucumber to Dogs

Before you start feeding cucumber to your dog, consider the following tips:

Feed Moderately

While cucumber is a healthy food for your dogs, you should only feed it in small amounts. Ideally, you should follow the 90/10 rule that states 90% of the calories your dog eats come from a balanced diet and the remaining 10% from treats like cucumber.

You can also consult with your veterinarian to determine the right amount of cucumber you can add to your dog’s diet. They will be able to give you better advice depending on your dog's nutritional requirements and health condition.

What About Cucumber Skin & Seeds?

Many pet owners are confused about whether or not a dog can eat cucumber skin and seeds. There is no right or wrong answer here as both the cucumber skin and seeds aren’t toxic for a dog. But they’re not easily digestible which can lead to stomach problems, especially for dogs who have sensitive stomachs.

So if your dog has a history of stomach issues, it is recommended to peel the cucumber and remove the seeds before feeding.

Or else, you can try feeding a small slice of cucumber with the skin and seeds to see how your dog reacts. If it doesn’t lead to an upset stomach you can continue feeding them the cucumber with the skin and seeds.

Chop & Slice Before Serving

The first thing you should do is thoroughly wash the cucumber before feeding it to your dog, even if you plan to remove the skin. It’s because cucumbers often have a layer of wax on the skin to improve their shelf life. While the wax isn’t harmful, it can still trap bacteria. You can easily get rid of it by rinsing the cucumber under clean water.

You can also try to buy organic cucumbers to avoid harmful chemicals and toxins. But you should wash them properly too. 

Now when it comes to actually feeding a cucumber to your dog, it might be tempting to give it to them whole or in large pieces, but it can be a choking hazard as they may take large bites.

It is recommended to always cut the cucumber into small bite-size pieces and serve on its own or use it as a meal topper. 

If your dog is a picky eater, you can also try the following creative recipes to incorporate cucumber into their diet.

  • Put some dog-friendly peanut butter or yogurt on top of small cucumber slices
  • Puree the cucumber and freeze the mixture in a popsicle mold for a delicious summer treat
  • Add some fresh cucumber slices to their water bowl to make infused cucumber water

Whatever recipe you try, make sure you don’t add any salt or seasoning to the cucumber as it can be harmful to your dog.

Stick to Raw Cucumber Only

Raw cucumbers are the best for your pup. Other options like pickled cucumbers contain ingredients like salt, vinegar, and spices which can be harmful to your dog’s health. 

Also, avoid feeding them cucumbers from your cucumber salad as it might have onion, garlic, and other harmful seasonings in the dressing.

Can Eating Cucumbers be Dangerous for Dogs?

Cucumbers are safe for a dog and the only thing you should be concerned about is overfeeding. Eating too much of any food item including cucumbers can have an adverse effect on a dog’s health or can cause an upset stomach.

It is ideal that treats like cucumber don’t exceed the 10% calories in your dog’s diet. Or you can consult with your veterinarian to determine the right amount of cucumber to feed your dog.

Furthermore, if you’re feeding your dog cucumber for the first time you should be cautious of an allergic reaction. Although it’s rare, your pup can have an allergy or food intolerance toward cucumber. 

Start with 1-2 slices and monitor their reaction for the next 24-48 hours. Look out for the following signs of an allergic reaction:

  • Upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Constant sneezing or licking
  • Itchiness or hives
  • Swelling around the face, ears, or lips 
  • Red or inflamed skin
  • Itchy ears 
  • Itchy and runny eyes

Contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice any of these signs after feeding cucumber to your dog.

Summing Up

Cucumber is a perfectly healthy and low-calorie treat for most dogs. It contains dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help support their overall growth and wellness.

If you want to share this healthy treat with your dog, make sure you cut the cucumber into small slices so it's easier to chew and digest. Also, try to limit their intake to a few slices as too much cucumber will result in an upset stomach and diarrhea.

If you have any further doubts, you can consult with your veterinarian before feeding cucumbers to your dog.


Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding cucumbers to a dog:

1. Can a dog eat pickled cucumber?

No, a dog shouldn’t eat pickled cucumbers as they contain other ingredients like salt, vinegar, and spices that can be harmful to your dog’s health.

2. Can a dog eat cucumbers with skin and seeds?

The skin and seeds of cucumber aren’t toxic for a dog. But they’re harder to digest and can lead to stomach problems for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Thus if your dog has a history of stomach issues, peel the cucumber and remove the seeds before feeding. 

Or you can try feeding 1-2 slices of cucumber with the skin and seeds to see how your dog reacts. If this doesn’t lead to any stomach problems you can continue feeding them the cucumber with the skin and seeds.

3. How much cucumber can a dog eat?

Ideally treats like cucumber shouldn’t make up more than 10% of a dog’s daily calorie intake. But you can consult with a veterinarian to determine the exact amount of cucumber to feed your dog.

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  • 6 min read

Tomatoes are a popular sweet and juicy fruit. They are also a staple in every household and are used to cook a variety of dishes like stews, salsa, pasta sauce, soups, and curries.

But did you know that apart from their versatility, tomatoes are also very nutritious? They are a rich source of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can protect you against various diseases. Now the big question is: can we share this healthy food with our dogs?

Continue reading to find out when you can feed tomatoes to your dog and when to avoid them completely.

Is it safe for dogs to eat tomatoes?

Dogs can safely eat red, fully ripe tomatoes in small quantities. However, you should avoid feeding the leaves, stems, and unripe green fruit of the tomato plant. They have solanine and tomatine, which can make our dogs sick if they eat too much. 

Although it’s rare, these parts of the tomato plant can lead to tomatine poisoning, which is treatable but requires medical attention.

The mature red tomatoes are completely safe for your dog because the level of solanine and tomatine decreases to a safe amount as the fruit ripens.

Health Benefits of Tomatoes for Dogs

Below are the four health benefits of feeding red ripe tomatoes to your dogs.

1. Rich in Antioxidants

Tomatoes are a rich source of many antioxidants, including lycopene, beta-carotene (which gets converted into vitamin A), and immune-boosting vitamin C. These antioxidants protect the dog’s body against the harmful effects of free radicals.

They also help reduce the risk of many chronic health conditions, like respiratory diseases, allergies, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, inflammation, and heart diseases.

2. Contains a Variety of Nutrients

Tomatoes provide many vitamins and minerals that are required for the proper growth and development of our dogs. They are especially rich in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system by increasing the number of antibodies that can fight against bacteria, toxins, and viruses.

It also contains beta-carotene, which gets converted to vitamin A inside the dog’s body. This vitamin has many important functions, as it promotes healthy vision, bone growth, and cell function.

When it comes to minerals, tomatoes contain high levels of potassium. It’s an essential mineral that supports bone growth, cognitive function, and healthy bones. It also helps support the regulation of cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Tomatoes are also rich in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These minerals help support various crucial functions in a dog’s body and their overall growth and wellness.

3. Provides Dietary Fiber

Tomatoes provide both soluble and insoluble fibers, which can help support your dog’s digestive health. These fibers are complex carbohydrates that do not get digested in the small intestine like most nutrients. Instead, they ferment in the large intestine to make fatty acids that help keep bad bacteria from growing too much.

Soluble fiber, in particular, helps support regular bowel movements for your dog by adding bulk and soaking up extra water in his stomach.

4. Can Provide Hydration

Tomatoes contain 95% water, which can help replenish your dog’s body on a hot summer day or after a play session. You can simply feed them a small slice of tomato to re-energize their body and promote hydration.

But please remember that you will still have to provide fresh drinking water to your dog to avoid dehydration, especially during the summer.

How to Feed Tomatoes to a Dog

It’s quite easy to feed a tomato to your dog. The important thing is to be mindful of the portion sizes. You should always consider tomatoes a treat and feed them as a supplement to a healthy, well-balanced meal. 

Ideally, you should follow the 90/10 rule, which states that treats like a tomato shouldn’t exceed 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. But you can also consult with your veterinarian to determine the exact amount of tomato to feed your dog. They’ll advise you based on your dog’s health conditions and nutritional requirements.

Now let’s discuss the various ways in which you can feed tomatoes to your dog.

Raw or Cooked Tomatoes: Which One is Healthier for Your Dog

A raw and ripe tomato is perfectly safe for your dog. It’s also convenient, as you can simply buy these vegetables from the store, chop them up, and feed them to your dog as a treat.

Just make sure that you wash the tomatoes properly and remove the stems and leaves before feeding them to your pup. You should also chop raw tomatoes into bite-sized pieces to avoid any risk of choking or internal blockage.

Cooked tomatoes, on the other hand, are also safe and healthy for your dog. But while cooking, you should ensure that you don't add any additional ingredients or seasonings that might be harmful to your dog’s health. 

The best way to cook tomatoes for a dog is to boil and mash them to make a puree. It can be used as a food topper that you can serve with their kibble meal.

Many dogs don't often enjoy the taste of tomatoes, in that case, you can try some of the following ways of incorporating tomatoes into their diet:

  • Freeze tomato puree in an ice cube for a cool treat
  • Make a delicious tomato soup with dog-friendly ingredients
  • Dehydrate tomato slices and serve them as a treat or food topper
  • Make tomato juice and serve in a bowl or freeze it in ice cubes for later
    Unhealthy Ways of Feeding Tomato to a Dog

    Just because tomatoes are safe for your dog doesn’t mean they can eat every tomato-based food. For example, canned tomato sauce that contains other ingredients like onions and garlic isn't safe for a dog. Even tomato ketchup isn’t a healthy choice for your pup, as it contains a high amount of sugar.

    You can however feed your dog canned tomato products such as whole, diced, crushed, paste, etc. that are made with only tomatoes and water.

    The best way to check whether your dog can eat tomato-based products is by reading the ingredients of the product. As a general rule of thumb, if the product contains additional ingredients, seasoning, sugar, or preservatives, you should consider it unsafe for your dog.

    Tomato in Commercial Dog Food

    Some commercial dog foods contain tomato pomace as an ingredient. It’s actually the crushed-up seeds, skin, and pulp of a ripe and mature tomato. 

    Brands add this ingredient because tomatoes have a lot of fiber, which helps digestion, and antioxidants, which help reduce chronic inflammation.

    If you are feeding your dog store-bought food that already contains tomato pomace, then you might not need to add tomatoes to their diet as a supplement. Your dog will reap the benefits of tomatoes through their regular meals.

    Are there any dangers to feeding tomatoes to a dog?

    A ripe red tomato is safe and healthy for your dog. The only thing you have to worry about is keeping them away from the leaves, stems, and green, unripe fruit of the tomato plant, as it might lead to tomatine poisoning.

    When you’re bringing tomatoes into your home, make sure you safely remove and throw away the stem and leaves before storing them in the refrigerator or on the kitchen counter. It’ll ensure that the dog doesn’t accidentally eat the toxic parts of the tomato.

    If your dog has eaten any toxic part of the tomato plant, look out for the following signs of tomatine poisoning:

    • Weakness
    • Excessive drooling
    • Tremors
    • Lack of coordination
    • Upset stomach
    • Seizures
    • Abnormal heart rate

      If you notice any of these symptoms of tomatine poisoning, contact your veterinarian immediately. Remember that tomatine poisoning is treatable if you get the right medical treatment promptly.

      Summing Up

      A tomato can be a valuable part of your dog’s diet. It can support their digestive health and immune system and also help prevent the onset of various chronic health conditions.

      You can simply feed them ripe red tomatoes in small quantities as a supplement to a healthy, well-balanced diet. You can also cook this vegetable to increase the level of antioxidants and serve it as a food topper with their kibble meal.

      Before you feed your dog tomatoes, you can talk to your vet if you have any more questions.


      Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding tomatoes to a dog: 

      1. Can a dog eat cherry tomatoes?

      Yes, dogs can eat cherry tomatoes, but it is suggested that you cut them in half to avoid any risk of choking.

      2. Can a dog eat tomato soup?

      Yes, dogs can eat tomato soup that’s made with dog-friendly ingredients. You should, however, avoid feeding them tomato soup that you bought from a restaurant. It might contain onions, garlic, and other ingredients that are harmful to your dog.

      3. Can a dog eat green tomatoes?

      You should avoid feeding green, unripe tomatoes to your dog. It has solanine and tomatine, which can make your dog sick if they eat too much of it.

      4. Can a dog have tomato juice?

      Yes, dogs can have tomato juice made with dog-friendly ingredients. You can even freeze tomato juice in ice cubes for a refreshing summer treat.

      5. Can a dog eat canned tomatoes?

      It depends on the ingredients of the canned tomatoes. If the product contains seasoning or other ingredients like onions and garlic, it isn't safe for a dog. But if it's made with just tomatoes and water, you can serve it to your dog.

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      Grapes are a go-to snack that we can enjoy all year. But as a pet owner, you should be aware of the dangers of this fruit before bringing it into your home. That's because grapes are considered toxic for dogs.

      There is ongoing research on the effects of grapes on a dog’s body. So far, grapes in any form are considered toxic for our dogs. But there isn’t any well-established conclusion that can state why grapes are so toxic for a dog.

      In this article, we’ll try to explain more about grape poisoning in dogs.

      Why Can't Dogs Eat Grapes?

      It hasn't been determined what substance in grapes makes them toxic for our dogs. The researchers are also not sure why some dogs have an adverse reaction after eating as little as one grape.

      However, in some cases, grapes can cause gastrointestinal upset followed by acute renal failure (ARF).

      That's why every kind of grape, including the seedless and seeded varieties, are considered toxic for dogs. Even products made from grapes like raisins and currants are considered toxic as they might cause acute renal failure.

      The exact physiological processes that lead to acute renal failure following ingestion have not been determined by any research. But many theories suspect metabolic disruption, a nephrotoxic mycotoxin, and an idiosyncratic reaction.

      It’s also worth noting that so far, dogs are the only species that have shown this kind of toxic reaction to grapes.

      How Many Grapes Can Lead to ARF in Dogs?

      There have been cases where even a single grape has resulted in grape poisoning. Since it's unknown how grapes are affecting our dogs, it’s also not determined how many grapes can lead to ARF.

      It’s also hard to understand the scale of risk when it comes to grape poisoning. Some medium or large dogs may be OK after eating one or two grapes or they may experience unfavorable symptoms. 

      To be safe, all kinds of grape ingestion are considered toxic. It's also recommended to seek immediate medical care for your dog if they ingest even a single grape.

      Signs of Grape Poisoning in Dogs

      In most cases, vomiting is the first sign of grape toxicity or poisoning. It usually occurs within the first 2 hours of ingestion. Then it’s followed by diarrhea, lethargy, and excessive thirst within 5 to 6 hours. 

      Other common signs of grape poisoning and acute renal failure include:

      • Lethargy 
      • Abdominal pain
      • Tremors 
      • Loss of appetite
      • Lack of urine production

        There can also be some behavioral changes, like refusing food, hiding, and whining after eating grapes.

        These symptoms may appear within 24 hours of ingestion or may take several days to appear. Whatever the case may be, you should take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible after they have consumed grapes. Waiting for them to fall sick or show signs of poisoning might make the situation worse.

        What to Do If Your Dog Eats Grapes?

        There is no way of knowing how your dog will react after eating grapes. They might have an adverse reaction after eating as little as one grape. To avoid an unforeseen situation, it's recommended that you treat the situation as an emergency and contact your nearest veterinarian.

        If you cannot urgently reach a veterinarian, you can also contact the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Their poison control experts will be able to guide you on how to handle the situation based on your dog’s condition.

        How Will a Vet Treat Grape Poisoning?

        The treatment for grape poisoning depends on the dog’s symptoms and the time of the poisoning.

        If your dog ate a grape in the last two hours, it's most likely that the first thing your vet will do is try to make them throw up to expel the grape from their gastrointestinal tract.

        Your vet might also administer activated charcoal as it helps reduce the absorption of toxins in the dog’s stomach.

        In many cases, this would be enough to treat the dog.

        But if the condition continues to degrade, your dog might need further treatment and hospitalization. Your veterinarian might run blood tests and administer IV fluids to increase urine production and support kidney function. It’ll also help flush the toxin out of the body. 

        A potentially life-threatening situation can arise if a dog’s kidneys stop producing urine altogether.

        How to Ensure Your Dog Doesn’t Eat Grapes

        It may not be possible or realistic to remove all grapes, raisins, or currants from your home but you should ensure that they are out of reach from your dog. You should also be careful about products that might contain grapes, including trail mix, cereals, raisin bread, and other baked food items. 

        If your dog is able to get into your trash can, you should also avoid throwing away grapes or raisins in the garbage.

        Lastly, while taking your dog for a walk, be cautious as they might eat some wild grapes growing alongside the roads.

        If, in any case, they accidentally ingest grapes, contact a veterinarian immediately.

        Summing Up

        Grapes should be considered toxic and poisonous fruit for our canine companions. This includes grape products like raisins, currants, grape juice, trail mix, cereals, and raisin bread. As a pet parent, you should be extremely careful when you bring these products into your home. Make sure you store them in a way that’s inaccessible to your dog.

        But if, in any case, your dog accidentally ingests a grape, contact your veterinarian immediately or contact the Animal Poison Control Center.


        Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about grapes and grape poisoning in dogs:

        1. Can a dog eat grapes?

        You should avoid feeding grapes to your dogs. Although it’s unknown how your dog might react after eating grapes, in some cases grapes can cause acute renal failure (ARF). To avoid any unfortunate situation, try to keep your dogs away from grapes.

        2. What should I do if a dog accidentally eats grapes?

        If your dog accidentally eats grapes, you should contact the veterinarian immediately. If you cannot reach them, you can contact the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. Their poison control experts can guide you on how to handle the situation based on your dog’s condition.

        3. Is it dangerous if a dog eats a single grape? 

        Yes, some dogs can have an adverse reaction after eating as little as one grape. It hasn't been determined how grapes affect our dogs and what will be the scale of risk. For example, some medium or large dogs may be OK after eating one or two grapes or they may experience unfavorable symptoms. 

        To avoid any unforeseen situation, it’s suggested to seek immediate medical care even if your dog has eaten a single grape.

        4. What should I do if my dog ate grapes but seems fine?

        In some cases, dogs remain OK even after eating grapes. But it’s not ideal to wait for them to develop symptoms of grape poisoning. If you suspect that your dog has eaten grapes, you should contact a veterinarian even if they seem fine.

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        • 6 min read

        Shrimp is a popular seafood in America. It’s considered affordable, versatile, delicious, and extremely nutritious. But is it safe for our dogs?

        The good news is that not only is shrimp safe for our pups, but it’s also incredibly beneficial for their health. A few pieces of cooked shrimp without the shell can provide additional protein, vitamins, and minerals to your dog.

        In this article, we’ll explore the many benefits of this shellfish in detail and discuss the various ways in which you can incorporate it into your dog’s diet.

        4 Health Benefits of Feeding Shrimp to Dogs 

        Below we have listed 4 amazing health benefits of feeding shrimp to your dogs:

        1. Helps Improve the Skin & Coat Health

        Shrimp contains omega-3 fatty acids that can significantly improve the quality of your dog’s skin and coat. It can help boost the immune system which in turn helps prevent and heal various skin allergies that can cause fleas, itchiness, dryness, and shedding.

        Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids can also have other positive effects on a dog’s health, such as:

        • Proper brain development in puppies
        • Help improve cognitive function
        • Support heart and vascular function
        • Great for vision and eye health
        • Acts as an anti-inflammatory
        • Can prevent and reduce joint pain and mild stiffness in older dogs

        2. Rich in Antioxidants

        Shrimp contains Astaxanthin, which is a carotenoid that gives shrimp its pink or reddish color. What you might not know is that carotenoids are also extremely potent natural antioxidants. They can help your dog’s body fight against harmful free radicals and prevent chronic inflammation. 

        These antioxidants also boost the immune system of our dogs and reduce the risk of many health issues including respiratory diseases, infections, allergies, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune disorders, arthritis, and heart disease.

        3. Good Source of Protein

        Shrimp provides a high amount of protein with fewer calories. In fact, 100 grams of shrimp contains approximately 24 grams of protein which is almost the same as chicken which contains 27 grams per 100 grams, and beef which contains 26 grams per 100 grams.

        Thus you can feed your dogs shrimp as a treat to supplement their daily nutrition and support their proper growth and development. 

        But make sure shrimp isn’t the sole protein source in your dog’s diet as it is high in cholesterol which can be harmful in large amounts. Use shrimp as an occasional treat that you serve with their well-balanced daily meal.

        4. Provides Many Nutrients

        Shrimp has an impressive nutrition profile as they contain many vitamins and minerals. They are especially rich in vitamin B12 which is directly linked to our dogs' cognitive and neurological health. It’s also an essential vitamin required for metabolic functions like breaking down fat and protein.

        Besides that, shrimp also contains a wide range of minerals including iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and sodium. All of these affect different parts of a dog’s body and help support many vital functions.

        How to Feed Shrimp to Your Dog

        Shrimp is safe for dogs but you need to know a few things while feeding them to your dog:

        Serve in Small Amounts

        Our dogs usually love the taste of shrimp which makes it easier to go overboard. But you should know that even though shrimp contains many nutrients and antioxidants, they are also high in cholesterol. 

        Thus you need to be careful of the portion sizes and serve only one or two shrimp in a week. You can also talk to your veterinarian to determine how many shrimp your dog can eat safely. 

        Furthermore, if your dog is overweight or diagnosed with any health issues like hyperlipidemia, diabetes, or pancreatitis, avoid feeding them cholesterol-rich food like shrimp without consulting a veterinarian.

        Remove the Shell & Tail

        You should always remove the shell and tail of the shrimp before feeding it to your dog. The shells are made of chitosan, which is hard to digest and their sharp and brittle texture can be a choking hazard or causes obstruction in your dog’s gastrointestinal tract. The tail too can lead to many stomach problems.

        Always Cook Shrimp Before Serving

        Shrimp are versatile and you can cook, boil, or steam them before feeding your dog. Just avoid feeding raw shrimp as it might contain bacteria and other pathogens like E. coli, listeria, tapeworms, and salmonella.

        You should also avoid fried shrimp as even though it isn't toxic for a dog, it isn't a healthy choice. These are usually battered and deep fried, adding extra calories that can lead to many digestive problems for our little pups. It can also increase their fat and carb intake leading to some major health issues.

        You can safely prepare shrimp for your pup like you'd prepare it for yourself. Just follow these steps.

        1. Remove the shells and tail
        2. Rinse with water
        3. Start cooking by boiling or steaming them
        4. Don’t add any salt, spices, or other seasonings as they can be harmful to your dog’s health

        Once cooked, allow it to cool down and serve as a treat on its own or use them as a meal topper. You can also mix the shrimp with cooked rice and other vegetables to prepare a meal for your pup.

        Some Precautions While Feeding Shrimp to Your Dog

        While shrimp is nutritious and delicious for your pup, you still need to beware of the following risks:

        Shrimp Has High Cholesterol 

        As also mentioned above, shrimp has high cholesterol which can lead to heart problems when served in large quantities. Thus it’s advisable to get in touch with your veterinarian to determine whether or not your dog needs shrimp in their diet. They can advise you according to your dog’s nutritional needs and prior health conditions.

        Risk of Bacterial Infections

        Pet owners are often concerned about the risk of bacteria and parasites like salmonella, E. coli, vibrio, listeria, etc. But this can be easily avoided by cooking shrimp before feeding as it will kill all the pathogens.

        If by accident your dog eats a raw shrimp, you should montior their reaction and if they show any symptoms of stomach discomfort like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, call your veterinarian immediately.

        Monitor for Allergic Reactions

        If you’re feeding shrimp to your dog for the first time then you need to be careful of an allergic reaction. You should start by feeding them just 1 cooked shrimp and monitor their reaction for at least 24-48 hours.

        Look out for the following signs:

        • Upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea
        • Constant sneezing or wheezing
        • Itchiness or hives
        • Swelling around the face, ears, or lips 
        • Red or inflamed skin
        • Itchy ears or ear infections
        • Itchy and runny eyes
        • Constant licking

        If you notice any of these signs of an allergic reaction, contact your veterinarian immediately.

        Summing Up

        Shrimp is healthy and nutritious for our pups. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that can help improve their skin & coat health, boost their immune system, and offer many other wide-ranging health benefits. Even the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in shrimp can perfectly supplement their daily meals and fulfill their nutritional requirements. 

        The only things you need to be cautious about are the portion sizes and removing the shell and tail before feeding. Since shrimp is high in cholesterol, you can only serve a few cooked pieces occasionally and avoid any kind of overindulgence. 

        But if you have any doubts, you can consult with a veterinarian before adding shrimp to your dog’s diet.


        Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding shrimp to a dog:

        1. Does shrimp make dogs sick?

        Your dog can get sick if you feed them too much shrimp every day. Because of its high cholesterol level, you should only feed shrimp in small amounts occasionally.

        Raw shrimp can also make your dog sick as it might contain harmful bacteria and pathogens like E. coli, listeria, tapeworms, and salmonella. But you can easily avoid this situation by cooking (boiling or steaming) the shrimp before feeding it to your dog.

        2. Can a dog eat cooked shrimp?

        Yes, your dog can eat cooked shrimp that’s prepared without any additional ingredients or seasoning. Boiling and steaming are the two healthy ways of cooking shrimp for your dog.

        3. Can a dog be allergic to shrimp?

        Yes, your dog can be allergic to shrimp. Thus its recommended to start with a very small quantity and monitor their reaction for 24-48 hours. If you see any signs of food intolerance or allergic reactions, contact your veterinarian immediately.

        4. Can a dog eat shrimp tails and shells?

        No, a dog should not eat shrimp tails and shells. The shells are made of chitosan, which is hard to digest for a dog. Even the sharp and brittle texture of the shells can be a choking hazard or obstructs their gastrointestinal tract. The tail can also cause many stomach issues for our dogs.

        5. How many shrimp can a dog eat?

        Ideally, you can feed one or two shrimp to your dog every week. It should be used as a treat or supplement that you serve in small amounts occasionally.

        You can also consult with your veterinarian to determine the exact amount of shrimp you can add to your dog’s diet.

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        • 6 min read

        What’s better than a sweet and refreshing slice of watermelon on a hot, summer day? This large juicy fruit is a staple in salads, drink recipes, and backyard barbecues. But the craze isn’t just about the delicious taste of watermelon as many people consider it a superfruit due to its nutritional benefits.

        Watermelons are low in calories and filled with many vitamins and minerals that can help boost our overall health. But does this fruit have the same health benefits for our pets? In fact, is it even safe to feed watermelon to our dogs?

        The short answer is yes! Watermelons are safe for our furry friends but you still need to be a little cautious about a few things like removing the seeds and rind before feeding the fruit to your dog. 

        In this article, we’ll help you understand how to feed watermelon to a dog safely. But before that, let’s start by discussing the various health benefits your dog can get from watermelon.

        4 Wonderful Health Benefits of Watermelon For Dogs

        Below are 4 amazing health benefits of watermelon for dogs:

        1. Rich in Antioxidants

        Watermelon is one such fruit that contains a wide array of antioxidants including vitamin C, carotenoids, and cucurbitacin. It also contains large amounts of lycopene which is a phytochemical that acts as an antioxidant.

        They all work together to protect the cells against oxidation or damage caused by free radicals. This, in turn, helps prevent various health problems including arthritis, infections, respiratory diseases, autoimmune disorders, and heart diseases.

        2. Provides Many Nutrients 

        Watermelons are chock full of various nutrients that are needed by your dog’s body to function properly. 

        Below are some of the essential nutrients present in watermelon:

        • Vitamin A - Supports healthy vision, skin, coat, and muscles. It also helps boost the immune response in dogs. 
        • Vitamin C - Acts as an antioxidant that can help prevent chronic inflammation and support the immune system. 
        • Calcium - Plays a crucial role in building and maintaining strong bones.
        • Potassium - It’s a primary electrolyte that aids in the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the body. It also helps support muscle growth, kidney function, and absorption of various nutrients.
        • Magnesium - Supports muscle health, the immune system, and a healthy heart.
          3. Keeps Them Hydrated

          Watermelons are 92% water which makes them an ideal treat to beat the summer heat. You can serve chilled watermelon slices (without seeds) or frozen watermelon puree cubes after a play session or a walk. It'll help hydrate their body and provide nourishment to their organs. 

          But remember that feeding watermelon isn’t enough for your pup, you’ll still have to ensure they’re drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration, especially during summer. 

          4. Provides Fiber 

          Watermelon contains a small amount of fiber which is not enough to fulfill the daily requirement of your dog but it can be helpful in many other ways. Primarily, this fiber can help slow down the absorption of sugar that your dog will get from watermelon itself. As a result, it will help ensure there’s no sudden blood sugar spike in their body.

          What Parts of Watermelon Are Safe for a Dog?

          Watermelons are extremely nutritious but not every part of this fruit is safe for a dog. To avoid any risk, let’s briefly discuss which parts of watermelon are safe for your dog and which parts you should toss in the trash.

          Red Fleshy Fruit

          The bright red fleshy part of the watermelon contains all the nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial for a dog. Thus it’s completely safe and healthy for them.

          Watermelon Seeds

          The black mature seeds in watermelon aren't toxic for our dogs but they may not slide through their digestive system causing an intestinal blockage. If your pup accidentally swallows a few seeds it shouldn't cause any harm, but make sure they don't ingest too many altogether.

          So try to remove as many of these black seeds as you can before offering the watermelon to your dog.

          On the other hand, the white, immature seeds in seedless watermelons are okay to feed a dog as they’re flexible and can easily pass through their digestive system.

          Watermelon Rinds

          Although watermelon rinds don't contain toxic or harmful nutrients, their texture, and toughness can be problematic. It’s mainly because your dog cannot properly chew the rind thoroughly before swallowing and the large undigested pieces can lead to gastrointestinal blockage. 

          Thus it’s advisable to not feed the watermelon rind to your dog.

          How to Safely Feed Your Dog Watermelon

          Just like any other fruit, you can simply cut and serve watermelon to your dog. But you need to be mindful of the portion sizes. You can think of watermelon as any other dog treat - something you serve occasionally in small amounts.

          You can consult with your veterinarian to determine the right amount of watermelon to feed your dog or you follow the 90/10 rule. That means 90% of the calories your dog eats should come from a complete and balanced diet and the remaining 10% from treats like watermelon.

          When it comes to feeding the watermelon to your dog, it’s actually quite easy as dogs tend to love the sweet taste and texture of this fruit. But to give you an idea, below are some safe and fun ways to feed watermelon to your dog:

          • Cut a small slice and let your dog nibble away
          • Scoop out some tiny balls of watermelon and serve in a bowl
          • Freeze small chunks of the fruit and serve on a hot summer day 
          • If you have a puppy or a small dog you can puree the watermelon
          • You can also freeze watermelon puree in an ice cube tray and serve it as a cool treat on a hot day
          • If you own a dehydrator, you can make some dehydrated watermelon jerky at home
          • Puree watermelon with other dog-friendly fruits like blueberries and bananas to serve as a smoothie

          Make sure you remove the seeds and rind before following any of the above recipes.

          Are There Any Adverse Effects of Too Much Watermelon on Your Dog?

          Too much of any food item can be harmful to your dog’s health. Thus you have to be mindful of the portion sizes and serve only a small amount of watermelon occasionally. Otherwise, it could lead to an upset stomach, constipation, or diarrhea for your pup. 

          Apart from that, you should be cautious of a few more things, including

          • The sugar content - Watermelon contains sugar, just like any fruit. If you have a healthy dog, small amounts of watermelon would be a safe and healthy treat for them. But if your dog is suffering from a prior health condition, especially diabetes, you should refrain from adding any new food item to their diet without consulting a veterinarian.
          • Watermelon allergy - Although it’s very rare, your dog can still have a watermelon allergy. So if you’re feeding them watermelon for the first time, monitor their reaction for the next 24-48 hours. If you see any signs of allergic reaction like constant itchiness, vomiting, inflamed skin, and swelling on the face, ear, and lips, contact a veterinarian immediately.
          • Remove the rind & seeds - As already mentioned above, make sure you remove the mature, black seeds and rind before feeding watermelon to your dog. They are hard to chew and digest and can lead to gastrointestinal blockage.

          Summing Up

          Watermelon is a safe & healthy dog treat. It’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and many essential minerals. Above all, its high water content helps keep your pup hydrated and energized on a hot summer day. 

          But even though your dog will love the sweet and juicy taste of this fruit, it’s important that you avoid overindulgence. Feed only a small portion of watermelon and let them enjoy this refreshing, nutrition-packed snack without any risk.

          If you still have any doubts, consider consulting with a veterinarian before adding watermelon to your dog’s diet.


          Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding watermelon to a dog:

          1. Can a dog eat watermelon rinds?

          No, you shouldn’t feed watermelon rinds to your dog as they won’t be able to chew it thoroughly before swallowing. The large unchewed pieces can lead to gastrointestinal blockage. 

          2. Can a dog eat watermelon seeds?

          Try to avoid feeding black mature watermelon seeds to your dog. Even though a few of these won't cause any harm if your dog ingests too many they may not slide through the digestive system causing an intestinal blockage.

          On the other hand, your dog can eat the white, immature seeds in seedless watermelons as they’re flexible and can easily pass through their digestive system.

          3. Can I feed watermelon juice to my dog?

          Yes, your dog can drink some watermelon juice made at home without any additional ingredients or seasonings. 

          But avoid feeding them store-bought juice as it might contain a lot of sugar and artificial flavoring which doesn’t have the same health benefits as real watermelon. In fact, the high amount of sugar present in these juices can be extremely dangerous for your dog and can cause a toxic reaction.

          4. Can a diabetic dog eat watermelon?

          Just like every other fruit, watermelon contains natural sugar which can be harmful to your dog if they have diabetes or any other health condition.

          Thus, it’s also advised to consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to the diet of a dog who has a pre-existing health condition.

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          • 5 min read

          As dog parents, we get alarmed at even the slightest change in our dog’s health and habits. It goes without saying that we treat our dogs like they were our kids, making sure they are well taken care of and healthy. So how will you know when to seek medical help?

          There can be numerous reasons why your dog is vomiting. Oftentimes, vomiting isn’t an illness but a sign of an underlying disorder. Before you start panicking or imagining the worst-case scenario, it's helpful to understand these warning signs. Let's explore some of the reasons your dog may be vomiting and what you should do to help.

          What to Do If Your Dog is Vomiting?

          Occasional vomiting isn't always a cause of concern. Dogs can vomit to get rid of something that doesn't agree with their body. But sometimes it can be a sign of an underlying health condition. 

          To figure out the exact cause, follow the 3 steps mentioned below:

          Step 1: Observe the Color

          The color of the vomit can tell a lot about what’s going on inside the body of your dog. Let’s discuss what each color of vomit means and when you should seek the help of a veterinarian

          My Dog's Vomit is Yellow

          A yellow foamy vomit consists of bile, a digestive fluid that’s produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It gets released into the small intestine to assist with digestion. 

          When your dog goes too long without eating it causes a buildup of stomach acid that may lead to your dog vomiting bile.

          If your dog has vomited yellow foam bile only once in the morning, feeding them late at night or more frequently could resolve this issue. If this happens more than once, you’ll want to contact your veterinarian.

          My Dog’s Vomit is Green

          Green vomit suggests your dog ate grass, leaves, or any other plant material that has caused irritation in their stomach. It typically isn't a cause of concern if it's a one-off but if you’ve taken your dog to an unknown place then there could be a chance they ingested some toxic plants. In such a case, you should call your veterinarian. 

          My Dog's Vomit is Red or Brown

          Red or brown vomit could be a sign of bleeding that can be caused due to gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation of the stomach, or an injury. It can also be a sign of stomach ulcer or intestinal blockage. It is important that you take your dog to see your veterinarian immediately.


          Step 2: Monitor the frequency

          As mentioned before, one-off vomiting usually isn’t a cause of concern. They might be throwing up undigested food, it might be a natural reaction to eating too fast, or getting too excited. 

          But if your dog is suffering from chronic vomiting then it can be a sign of an underlying disease. It can also lead to inadequate nutrition and dehydration. If you notice your dog is throwing up more frequently, you should provide them with proper treatment by a veterinarian.

          Step 3: Presence of Foam 

          Foamy vomit can be a sign of excess gas in your dog's stomach. Yellow foam is caused due to an empty stomach and the presence of bile. White foam can be caused due to upper respiratory infection or digestive issues. 

          Main Causes of Dog Vomiting

          There can be several causes of vomiting in dogs but the 4 most common reasons are:

          Bilious Vomiting Syndrome

          Bilious vomiting syndrome (BVS) occurs when the bile in the small intestine leaks into the stomach. It happens when your dog's stomach stays empty for a while or when they eat an abnormally large amount of fatty food. It causes your dog to vomit yellow fluid or froth. 

          To help avoid BVS, feed your dog multiple smaller meals instead of one large meal. Also, make sure their food has low-fat content and high fiber. You can even give them a healthy snack before bedtime so their stomach doesn't stay empty all night. 

          Gastrointestinal Diseases

          There can be multiple conditions that can affect the digestive system or gastrointestinal tract of your dog. For example, inflammatory diseases, parasites, ulcers, pancreatitis, toxic substances, and bacterial/viral infections can cause digestive distress. 

          Vomiting can be a sign of such gastrointestinal disorders only when it's paired with some other symptoms like loss of appetite, laziness, diarrhea, weight loss, dehydration, yellow skin, gums, or eyes, etc.

          Dry Dog Food or “Kibble”

          Dry food also known as kibble can cause your dog to vomit yellow bile. Kibble is a dry food that sits inside the dog's stomach, here it swells and becomes twice the size which can cause the stomach to expand and over produce stomach acids. 

          A possible remedy for this situation is to substitute kibble with good-quality cold-pressed dog food. It’s an alternative to dry food thats focused on creating and sustaining a healthy digestive system. Cold-pressed dog food doesn't swell in the stomach but breaks down to reduce bloating and allows the dog to quickly start absorbing the necessary nutrients. 

          Cold-pressed dog food is made by gently cooking high-quality ingredients with low heat for a short amount of time, helping it retain more of the natural nutrients in the ingredients. Kibble is produced by cooking with high heat and steam which burns off many of the nutrients.


          Allergies or sensitivity to certain food ingredients can cause vomiting in dogs. Even if you have been feeding them the same diet, allergies can develop at any point in time. 

          In such cases, we recommend reaching out to a veterinarian or nutritionist who can suggest a diet that removes the allergen without affecting the health of your dog.

          How to Prevent Vomiting in Dogs

          It's inevitable that your dog will find and eat something they shouldn’t. But here are a few things you can do to minimize the risks of vomiting:

          • Feed them a proper diet at regular intervals 
          • Don’t leave them on an empty stomach for too long
          • Switch to a highly digestible food like cold-pressed
          • If your dog eats too fast, get them a "puzzle feeder"

          In the end, vomiting may turn out to be nothing to worry about, but as a parent, you should always be aware of the red flags. Ignoring the warning signs and delaying the veterinary visit could make matters worse. 


          1. Why is my dog vomiting yellow?

          Yellow vomit is caused due to bile. It suggests your dog has had an empty stomach for a while. To help prevent this, break their meals into smaller meals and feed them at regular intervals. Try to switch their diet from dry kibble to highly digestible and nutritious cold-pressed food. 

          2. Should my dog drink water after vomiting?

          Drinking a lot of water after throwing up can cause more vomiting and not drinking enough water can cause dehydration. Hence, it’s best to offer them 1 teaspoon of water for every pound of their weight every hour. Do this for 4-5 hours, if they don’t vomit again you can continue to give them water normally.

          3. How can I settle my dog's stomach after vomiting?

          Try offering them ice cubes or a few teaspoons of water to avoid dehydration. If the dog hasn't vomited for 5-6 hours, you can offer them a 1/3 of 8oz. cup of bland food like plain white rice with boiled chicken. 

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          • 6 min read

          Have you heard of millet in dog food? It is starting to become a popular ingredient added to commercial dog food. But despite its popularity, there’s still a lot of confusion and misinformation regarding millet.

          One of the most frequently asked questions is whether millet is safe for dogs or not. In this article, we’ll try to clear the confusion around millet and discuss the various health benefits they offer for our furry friends.

          What is Millet?

          Millet is an ancient cereal grain grown for fodder and human food consumption. It’s a major food source in arid and semiarid regions of the world. It has been noted that humans have been consuming millet for about 7,000 years and it's a part of many traditional dishes in India, Vietnam, and China. 

          Today, millet has become especially popular amongst people who suffer from gluten-related disorders like coeliac disease as it’s a gluten-free cereal that can replace wheat. It’s also commonly used to feed birds and animals.

          Can Dogs Eat Millet? 6 Health Benefits

          Yes, dogs can eat millet. In fact, it’s a gluten-free grain that contains protein, fiber, and many more essential nutrients that can be beneficial for your dog’s health. 

          Let’s discuss some of the amazing health benefits of feeding millet to your dog.

          1. Improves Digestive Health

          Millet is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber - both of which play a vital role in maintaining your dog’s health. 

          Soluble fibers are digestible and they get fermented into fatty acids that prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria and provide energy to the cells lining the colon. These acids are also responsible for the metabolism of various nutrients including carbs and fat.

          Insoluble fibers on the other hand are indigestible fibers that add bulk to the stool and help food pass easily through the digestive tract. It can encourage bowel regularity and prevent digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation.

          2. Can Control Blood Sugar

          Adding millet to your dog's diet might even help control their blood sugar levels. Firstly millet contains complex carbohydrates that take longer to digest when compared to other grains like wheat. This ensures there’s no sudden spike in blood sugar levels after eating.

          Secondly, the high fiber content of millet slows down the entrance of glucose into the bloodstream and can help control blood sugar levels in dogs.

          3. Rich in Antioxidants 

          Millet contains a wide range of phenolic compounds which are natural antioxidants. These antioxidants fight against the oxidation of free radical damage and can protect the dog’s body from various health issues including respiratory diseases, skin allergies, arthritis and joint problems, autoimmune disorders, and heart diseases.

          4. Great Source of Vitamin B

          Millet offers the following variety of B vitamins that are needed for various enzyme functions in your dog’s body. 

          Niacin (B3) - It helps convert fats and carbohydrates into energy, boosts cognitive function, and supports hormone synthesis in dogs.
            Riboflavin (B2) - It is heavily involved in the production of red blood cells and antibodies that fight disease in a dog’s body.
              Pantothenic acid (B5) - It can help improve stamina and might even prevent anxiety in dogs.
                Vitamin B6 - It is required for protein synthesis and secretion of hormones.

                  Folate (B9) - It supports cell division, tissue growth, and normal blood formation.

                      5. Provides Essential Minerals

                      Apart from vitamins, millet is also filled with some essential minerals. It’s particularly rich in iron which is directly involved in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin, phosphorus which supports healthy kidney function, and magnesium which supports muscle health in dogs.

                      Millet is also a rich source of potassium which is required for neural function, muscle growth, and bone health. It also allows the body to digest and absorb nutrients faster.

                      6. Gluten-Free Grain

                      Millet is a gluten-free grain, making it a perfect choice for dogs who suffer from gluten intolerance, wheat allergy, or celiac disease. 

                      Even if the dog isn’t suffering from a gluten allergy, many pet owners choose to provide gluten-free diets to their pets to treat digestive issues, boost energy levels, improve the quality of their skin and coat, or manage weight. If you were looking for a gluten-free wheat alternative for your dog, then millet is a great choice.

                      How to Feed Millet to a Dog?

                      Due to its gluten-free nature and wide-ranging health benefits, millet is becoming a popular choice in commercial dog foods. If you want to know whether millet is in your dog food you can read the ingredient list usually found on the back of the dog food bag.

                      If millet is not in the dog food you buy, there are plenty of options available to feed millet as part of your dog's diet. It's important to note that you should always feed cooked millet to your dog. Uncooked, raw millet grains are hard to chew and digest. They can also lead to an upset stomach and cause vomiting and diarrhea.

                      When buying dry millet grains you can easily cook them like you would quinoa. Start with washing half a cup of millet. Then dry roast them in a pan until they turn golden brown. Add one cup of water and let it cook until the water is absorbed. You’ll have soft and fluffy millet ready to eat in no time. But make sure you let it cool down before feeding it to your dog.

                      You can either mix 2-3 tablespoons of cooked millet with your dog's daily meals. Or you can mix it in with some cooked veggies or an egg to offer as a treat in between meals. 

                      Many pet parents also prefer making millet porridge by adding extra fruits and vegetables. If you want to go the extra mile, you can bake delicious treats using millet flour. 

                      There are plenty of dog-friendly recipes made using millet that you can find with a simple online search.

                      The Right Portion Size

                      Moderation is the key when feeding millet to your dog. Most pet owners are already feeding a healthy and well-balanced diet to their dogs. That means your dog is already getting all the nutrients they require for proper growth. Thus millet should be served as a supplement to provide additional nutrients.

                      You can consult with a veterinarian to determine the exact amount of millet to feed your dog based on their nutritional requirements and health conditions.

                      Precautions While Feeding Millet to a Dog

                      Millet is a healthy and gluten-free grain that’s safe to add to your dog’s diet. But it’s important that you feed it in moderation as overindulgence can lead to health problems and nutritional imbalance.

                      If you’re feeding your dog millet for the first time, you should also consider millet allergies. Although it’s rare, your dog could still get an allergic reaction to this grain. 

                      It’s best to start feeding them millet in small amounts and monitor their reaction for the first 24-48 hours. Look out for any of the following signs of an allergic reaction:

                      • Upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhea 
                      • Constant itching and licking
                      • Red or irritated eyes
                      • Runny nose or continuous sneezing
                      • Swelling on the face, ears, lips, or eyelids
                      • Red or inflamed skin
                      • Itchy ears

                      If you notice any of these signs of an allergic reaction, contact a veterinarian immediately.

                      Summing Up

                      Millet is a healthy gluten-free grain that can provide many health benefits to your dog. You can add it as a supplement to their daily well-balanced meal or offer it as a treat. But monitor the portion sizes as too much millet can lead to an upset stomach and cause nutritional imbalance.

                      If you have any further doubts, you can consult with your veterinarian before adding millet to your dog’s diet.


                      Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding millet to a dog.

                      1. Can a dog eat spray millet?

                      Spray millet is made for birds and it’s best to avoid feeding them to your dog. 

                      2. Can a dog eat millet flour?

                      Yes, a dog can eat millet flour in moderation when properly cooked. You can easily bake delicious treats using millet flour or make tiny pancakes and serve them as an occasional treat.

                      3. Can a dog eat cooked millet?

                      Yes, a dog can eat cooked millet. You can make it just like you would make quinoa or make porridge using millet. 

                      But always add cooked millet as a topper to your dog’s healthy and well-balanced meal. You shouldn't replace their daily meals with just cooked millet.

                      4. Can a dog eat millet porridge?

                      Yes, dogs can eat millet porridge. You can add different fruits or vegetables to the recipe to make it more nutritious and delicious.

                      5. Can a puppy eat millet?

                      Yes, a puppy can eat millet in moderation. It’ll provide them with many essential vitamins and minerals, dietary fibers, and antioxidants to support their proper growth and development.

                      You can talk to a veterinarian to decide how much millet you should feed your puppy.

                      6. Can a dog eat millet when suffering from diarrhea? 

                      Yes, dogs can eat small amounts of millet when they’re suffering from diarrhea. You can cook millet and mix it in with some chicken before feeding it to your dog. Remember that this isn’t a cure but it can help settle their tummy while providing some essential nutrients.

                      Furthermore, if your dog has any health issues, you should consult with your veterinarian before feeding them millet.

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                      • 7 min read

                      Do you read the labels of every food item you buy for your dog? If yes, then you may have read about sorghum. It is becoming a popular ingredient used by many commercial dog food brands. Mainly because it's a gluten-free whole grain that provides many health benefits to your dog. 

                      But if you’re not familiar with this grain then we’ll try to explain what it is and discuss some of the amazing benefits of feeding sorghum to your dog.

                      What is Sorghum?

                      Sorghum is considered to be an ancient grain. Some of its species are grown as cereals for human consumption and some as pastures for animals. It’s known by various names including the great millet, Indian millet, milo, jowar, and durra.

                      Sorghum is a staple in many rural households, especially in Asia and Africa because of its high nutritional value.

                      Today grain sorghum has become the third most important cereal crop grown in the United States. 

                      6 Key Benefits of Feeding Sorghum to a Dog

                      Below we have listed the 6 most compelling benefits of feeding sorghum to your dog.

                      1. High Fiber Content

                      Dogs need fiber-rich ingredients in their diet. You may be surprised to know that your dog gets most of its fiber from plant-based food items like sorghum. 

                      These fibers are complex carbohydrates that resist digestion in the small intestines. Instead, they get fermented in the large intestine and provide many health benefits to your dog’s body such as:

                      • Increasing bulk and absorbing excess water in the stomach to promote bowel regularity and prevent diarrhea and constipation
                      • Ensures a healthy intestinal pH to promote the growth of good bacteria 
                      • Gets fermented into fatty acids that prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria 
                      • Helps the dog’s colon recover from injuries
                      • Slows down the absorption of sugar and prevents blood sugar spikes
                      • Helps support weight management 

                      2. Gluten-Free Option

                      Gluten, which is a protein, is found in many grains including oats, wheat, rye, and barley. But sorghum is completely gluten-free. If your dog has a gluten sensitivity or you want to feed them a gluten-free diet then this is a great option. 

                      To see if your dog has a gluten intolerance try looking out for some obvious signs like constant itching, frequent diarrhea, mood swings, restlessness, unhealthy skin, fur, and coat. In such cases, switching to a gluten-free diet can have many benefits including:

                      • Better digestion
                      • Reduced bloating
                      • Improved energy level
                      • Healthy coat and skin
                      • Reduced joint pain
                      • Improved ability to absorb nutrients from food

                      You can also consult with your veterinarian to get your dog tested for gluten sensitivity if you notice any signs of an allergic reaction.

                      3. Rich in Antioxidants

                      Antioxidants present in sorghum have an important role in maintaining your dog’s health as they prevent oxidation or damage caused by free radicals.

                      These free radicals are basically natural by-products that are created during the normal metabolic processes. They can cause irreparable damage to your dog’s body and can lead to various health issues like respiratory diseases, skin allergies, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, and heart disease.

                      Antioxidant-enriched diet can ensure your dog stays protected and leads a happy and healthy life.

                      4. Source of Protein

                      Every pet owner knows the importance of a protein-rich diet for their dogs. It’s a nutrient that’s responsible for all major body functions from building muscles, forming new skin cells, and supporting the immune system to providing energy to the body. 

                      Sorghum contains a good amount of protein which is 11 grams per 100 grams of sorghum. This makes it an excellent source of plant-based protein that can be added to your dog’s diet.

                      But make sure you don’t replace sorghum as the sole protein source in your dog’s diet. They need a well-balanced meal that consists of meat protein and other healthy ingredients.

                      5. Packed With Essential Minerals

                      Sorghum is chock-full of many essential nutrients that work together to support your dog's health. Its complete nutritional breakdown is as followed:

                      Iron- Sorghum is extremely rich in iron. It’s a mineral that is directly involved in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin in your dog’s body. Hemoglobin transports nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Iron is also required for various enzyme functions in your dog’s body.

                      Vitamin B1 - It supports motor functions and boosts cognitive functions.

                      Vitamin B2 - It helps in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates into energy and also aids in the absorption of various minerals like iron and B6.

                      Vitamin B6 - It aids in glucose generation, hormone regulation, and nervous system function. 

                      Niacin - It is one of the core nutrients that helps in breaking down fatty acids and supports digestion.

                      Zinc - It promotes healthy skin, immune system function, and thyroid function.

                      Phosphorous - It supports healthy kidney function and aids in motor function.

                      Manganese - Helps in digestion and absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. It also combines with other minerals to support the formation of a healthy skeletal structure.

                      Magnesium - It's required for almost every bodily function from contracting and relaxing muscles to supporting a healthy heart, liver, and digestive system.  

                      Potassium - It aids in muscle growth, promotes bone health, and boosts metabolism.

                      But please note that the amount of these nutrients present in sorghum isn't enough to fulfill the daily nutritional requirements of your dog. Thus you can only use sorghum as a supplement to a healthy well-balanced meal.

                      6. Good Option for Diabetic Dogs

                      Sorghum is a complex carbohydrate that takes more time to digest compared to other grains. This ensures a gradual rise in the blood sugar level, avoiding sudden peaks and drops. The fiber content of sorghum also ensures that blood sugar levels stay manageable. 

                      How to Feed Sorghum to a Dog

                      Sorghum is becoming a popular ingredient added to commercial dog foods. You can check the ingredient label on the food you feed your dog to see if it has Sorghum.

                      If that’s not the case, you can cook some delicious treats at home using sorghum flour. You’ll have to add more ingredients like oats, rice flour, and some peanut butter. The end product will be tasty and healthy for your dog. 

                      Another much simpler option is to make a sorghum porridge or pancakes by using sorghum flour and adding some water and eggs. 

                      How Much Sorghum Can a Dog Eat?

                      The ideal amount of sorghum a dog can eat depends on various factors including their nutritional requirements and existing health conditions. And since many dog food brands are already adding sorghum to their recipe, it becomes harder to decide how much more sorghum can you add to their diet.

                      It’s best that you talk to your veterinarian about how much sorghum you should feed your dog as a supplement to their daily diet.

                      Sorghum for Puppies

                      Sorghum is safe for puppies. Its rich fiber content and antioxidant properties can help support their digestive health and immune system. They can also benefit from the various vitamins and minerals present in sorghum. 

                      You can directly buy dog food that contains sorghum for your puppy. It’ll ensure that they are getting this grain as a part of a healthy and well-balanced meal. 

                      If you want to feed sorghum at home as a supplement to their diet, then you should consult with your veterinarian to understand your puppy's nutritional requirements. They can better guide you on how you should add sorghum to their diet.

                      Precautions While Feeding Sorghum to a Dog

                      Sorghum is a safe ingredient to add to your dog’s diet. But just like any other food item, it’s important to feed it in moderation. Overindulgence can lead to health problems and nutritional imbalance.

                      Another thing to consider is that some dogs can have allergies to selective grains, including gluten-free grains like sorghum. If you’re feeding them sorghum for the very first time, start with a small amount and monitor their reaction for 24-48 hours.

                      Look out for any of the following signs of an allergic reaction:

                      • Vomiting or diarrhea 
                      • Constant itching and licking
                      • Red or irritated eyes
                      • Continuous sneezing
                      • Swelling on the face, ears, lips, or eyelids
                      • Red or inflamed skin
                      • Itchy ears

                      If you notice any signs of sorghum allergy, contact a veterinarian immediately.

                      Summing Up

                      Sorghum is a gluten-free protein-rich grain that contains fibers, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It can have numerous health benefits for your dog. You can either buy dog food that contains sorghum or serve home-cooked sorghum as a supplement to your dog’s diet. 

                      But if you’re just starting out and you have some concerns, you can consult with your veterinarian before feeding sorghum to your dog.


                      Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding sorghum to a dog.

                      1. Can a dog eat sorghum flour?

                      Yes, dogs can eat sorghum flour. It’s a gluten-free grain that contains many essential nutrients and antioxidants that can support your dog’s health.

                      2. Can a dog eat onyx sorghum?

                      Yes, your dog can eat onyx sorghum. It's a special dark-colored sorghum that’s rich in antioxidants.

                      3. What is whole grain sorghum in dog food?

                      Whole grain sorghum is added to your dog’s food because it’s an excellent source of dietary fibers, plant-based protein, and antioxidants. It’s a gluten-free grain that can provide many nutritional benefits to your pet.

                      4. Can a dog have an allergic reaction to sorghum?

                      If you’re worried about gluten sensitivity caused by grains, then sorghum is a great option for your dogs as it’s completely gluten-free. 

                      But your dog can have allergies to selective grains, including gluten-free grains like sorghum. To avoid any severe reactions, you should always start with a small amount and monitor your dog’s reaction for 24-48 hours.

                      If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction like an upset stomach, constant itching, sneezing, inflamed skin, red eyes, etc. - contact your veterinarian immediately.

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                      • 8 min read

                      Sweet potatoes are a staple in American diets. It’s a form of healthy carb that is used in savory dishes, baked on its own, or even puréed for desserts. In fact, you might have also seen sweet potato as an ingredient in some dog foods.

                      But is it really beneficial for your dog or simply used to increase a product appeal? Let’s find out.

                      Are Sweet Potatoes Beneficial in a Dog’s Diet?

                      Yes, sweet potatoes can be extremely beneficial for your dog. In fact, they’re often called "superfoods" because of their great nutritional content. They’re packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which can make them a wholesome supplement for your dog. 

                      Below we’ve discussed the top 5 potential health benefits of adding sweet potatoes to a dog’s diet.

                      1. Improves Gastrointestinal Health

                      Sweet potatoes contain a mix of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Hence they can help support the dog’s digestive health by promoting regular and healthy bowel movements. By adding sweet potatoes as a supplement to your dog's diet you can help reduce the chances of occasional constipation and diarrhea. 

                      Furthermore, the soluble fiber present in sweet potatoes may also help in lowering cholesterol and balancing blood glucose levels.

                      2. Rich in Beta-Carotene

                      Beta-Carotene is an antioxidant that converts into vitamin A in your dog’s body. It’s an important building block for your dog's immune system and can also help protect against heart diseases. 

                      But it isn’t produced by the dog’s body, it must be ingested through supplements in the diet or else your dog can suffer beta-carotene or vitamin A deficiency that can cause night blindness, poor skin quality, hairless patches, and abnormal bone and teeth development. 

                      Sweet potato is one such food item that’s rich in beta-carotene. In fact, it is what gives sweet potatoes their unique orange or deep yellow color. Adding it as a supplement to your dog's diet can improve their overall well-being.

                      Vitamin A can support nearly every organ from the skeletal system to the reproductive system in your dog's body. It can help improve your dog’s vision, skin health, cell function, muscle strength, and power their immune response.

                      3. Loaded With Vitamins 

                      Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamins including vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant, it’s known to protect your dog against cellular damage from free radicals. It can also promote immune health and help fight allergies. 

                      The anti-inflammatory property of antioxidants can also help relieve dry and itchy eyes. If you have a senior dog, antioxidants can help reduce cognitive aging problems.

                      Apart from this, sweet potatoes also contain vitamin B6 which can help support healthy red blood cell function and provides support for glucose generation. 

                      4. Good Source of Minerals

                      Minerals are an essential type of nutrients that are required for the proper development and function of your dog’s body. Although the dog food you feed your dog may contain all the essential minerals, you might need to add a supplement to ensure your dog receives the required daily dietary intake.

                      Sweet potato is a great source of minerals as it contains potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. 

                      All these minerals have separate yet crucial functions, for example, calcium supports strong bone growth, healthy teeth, and muscle growth, potassium keeps a dog’s kidneys functioning well and supports efficient heart function, and iron supports red blood cell and hemoglobin formation. 

                      5. Helps in Weight Loss

                      Sweet potatoes contain a low amount of fat and calories. You can feed it to your dog without worrying about weight gain. If your dog is already overweight, the high fiber content of sweet potatoes can increase a feeling of fullness and aid in their weight loss journey.

                      Sweet Potato vs Yam

                      From a nutritional standpoint, these two vegetables possess insignificant differences. They’ll offer the same health benefits to your dog. But whichever one you choose, make sure to boil or bake them properly before feeding. Their raw form is too fibrous and quite hard to chew and digest for a dog.

                      You can easily distinguish them as yams have a rough and dark brown skin similar to a tree bark whereas sweet potatoes have smooth reddish skin. Yam is dry and starchy like a regular white potato, whereas sweet potatoes have a softer flesh (when cooked) and a sweet flavor. 

                      How to Prepare Sweet Potatoes for Dogs?

                      Sweet potato is a quite versatile vegetable. You can cook them in a variety of ways but which ones are safe for a dog? 

                      Raw Sweet Potatoes

                      Raw sweet potatoes can be hard to chew and digest for a dog, especially puppies. They’re also too fibrous in raw form. Hence it’s always recommended to only feed well-cooked sweet potatoes to your dog.

                      Another thing to note is that eating large amounts of raw sweet potatoes can cause a build-up in their digestive system leading to an intestinal blockage or a gastrointestinal obstruction.

                      Canned Sweet Potatoes

                      Most canned products contain added sweeteners and artificial ingredients or flavors which can be toxic to your dog's health. You can buy organic and unsweetened canned sweet potatoes for your dog as they don’t contain any other ingredients. But also note that some nutrients are lost in the canning process.

                      Baked Sweet Potatoes

                      You can feed baked sweet potatoes to your dog as they are soft and easy to chew and digest. But remember to not add any additional seasoning or spices including salt, butter, pepper, or sugar. These ingredients can be toxic to your dog’s health. 

                      Fried Sweet Potatoes

                      Fried sweet potato chips or fries are unhealthy and in some cases toxic for a dog. These contain unhealthy fats that can lead to pancreatitis if eaten in large quantities. It can also lead to excessive weight gain and many other health issues.

                      Boiled Sweet Potatoes

                      Boiling is one of the best and healthiest ways to feed sweet potatoes to your dog. Start by removing the sweet potato skins with a vegetable peeler then chop the sweet potato into chunks and add them to a pot of boiling water. 

                      Allow them to boil until they become fork-tender and avoid adding any salt or other species. You can feed these small pieces as a treat or mix them with their daily meal. 

                      Also, make sure you allow the sweet potatoes to cool down completely before serving them to your dog.

                      Dehydrated Sweet Potatoes

                      Dehydrated sweet potatoes are a great snack for your dog. But if you want to make them at home, you’ll need at least 7-8 hours. You can use a dehydrator or an oven to make these delicious treats.

                      To make these in an oven, start by preheating the oven to 200F. Then place sliced sweet potatoes on a baking sheet and bake them for 3 hours on each side. Once they are dehydrated you can store them in an airtight container.

                      How Much Sweet Potato Should You Feed Your Dog?

                      Moderation is the key when you serve sweet potatoes to your dog. The exact amount you can feed your dog depends on the dog’s size, age, weight, and overall health. But ideally, it shouldn’t increase the maximum of 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake.

                      You can feed boiled or baked sweet potato on its own as a treat once or twice a week or mix it in with their regularly scheduled meals. 

                      If your dog refuses to eat homemade sweet potatoes or you cannot find time to boil or bake them at home, you can buy dog food that already contains sweet potatoes. 

                      Considerations While Feeding Sweet Potatoes to Your Dog

                      While sweet potatoes are a great addition, you should take some precautions while introducing them to your dog’s diet.

                      Start Small

                      There’s no way of knowing how your dog will react to a certain type of food. Hence you should start with a small amount (around a teaspoon) and feed them once a week. Monitor their health for 2-3 days. If there’s nothing unusual you can continue to feed them the recommended amount.

                      Feed The Right Amount

                      Too much of any fruit or vegetable can have a bad effect on your dog's health. Sweet potatoes are nutritious but they are also rich in carbohydrates, if eaten in excess they can lead to weight gain or cause a spike in blood sugar levels. 

                      Plus the rich fiber content of sweet potatoes can cause vomiting, upset stomach, or constipation if taken in large quantities.

                      Hence sweet potatoes need to be served as an occasional treat. Your dog's diet should start with a complete and balanced meal for their life stage and can then be supplemented with healthy treats like sweet potatoes.

                      Consider Your Dog’s Health

                      Sweet potatoes contain a high amount of starch and are considered a medium glycemic load vegetable. Thus it quickly changes to sugar and can increase the blood sugar levels of your dog. So if your dog suffers from diabetes, you should feed them sweet potatoes only as an occasional treat. 

                      If your dog is suffering from any pre-existing health conditions, consult a veterinarian before adding sweet potatoes to their diet.

                      Can Your Dog be Allergic to Sweet Potatoes?

                      It’s uncommon for a dog to have an allergic reaction to sweet potatoes. It’s a whole food, therefore your dog is less likely to have an immune response or a sensitivity to them.

                      But if you’re introducing new food to your dog’s diet, you should monitor their health and reaction. If there’s an allergic reaction, you might notice inflammation or itchy skin. In such cases, consult a veterinarian for further instructions.

                      Summing Up

                      Sweet potatoes are a delicious and healthy supplement for your dog. Their fiber content helps improve digestive health and the vitamin content helps strengthen the immune system. Furthermore, they are a great source of minerals as they contain potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. 

                      Simply boil or bake sweet potatoes (without the skin) and feed them as a treat in between meals or mix it with their regular meal to make it even more fulfilling for your dog. 

                      If you have any further questions, you can consult your veterinarian before feeding sweet potatoes to your dog.


                      1. Can I feed sweet potatoes to my dog every day?

                      No, you shouldn’t feed home-cooked sweet potatoes every day. It’s a supplement that can be considered a treat and should be served in moderation. It would be ideal to feed your dog sweet potatoes once or twice a week only. But you can feed a complete and balanced dog food that contains sweet potatoes daily.

                      2. Can a dog eat sweet potatoes with skins?

                      Sweet potato skin is nontoxic for a dog but it can be hard to chew and digest and if eaten in large chunks it can cause a choking hazard. Hence you should always peel the skin before feeding it to your dog. 

                      3. Can a dog eat sweet potato fries?

                      No, you shouldn’t feed sweet potato fries to your dog. It contains salts, sugar, and many other unhealthy fats that aren’t safe for your dog and can cause an upset stomach or other health problems.

                      4. Can a dog eat raw sweet potatoes?

                      No, you shouldn’t feed raw sweet potatoes to your dog. It is too fibrous for your dog and can be hard to chew and digest. Large quantities of raw sweet potato can even cause a build-up in their digestive system leading to an intestinal blockage or a gastrointestinal obstruction.

                      You should always boil, bake, or dehydrate sweet potatoes before feeding them to your dog.

                      5. Can a dog eat sweet potato chips?

                      Sweet potato chips are fried and contain additional ingredients like salts, sugars, and other unhealthy fats. All of which aren’t safe for your dog and can cause an upset stomach or other health problems.

                      6. Can a dog eat cooked sweet potatoes?

                      Yes, you can cook sweet potatoes by boiling or baking to feed your dog. Remember to not add any salt or butter during cooking as they can be toxic for your dog’s health.

                      7. Can I feed my dog sweet potatoes if they suffer from diabetes?

                      Sweet potatoes are full of carbohydrates that can spike a dog’s insulin level. Although you can feed it to them in small quantities, you’ll still have to be cautious and monitor their health.

                      It would be best that you consult a veterinarian before making any changes to your dog’s diet.

                      8. Can a dog eat sweet potatoes for diarrhea?

                      Yes, sweet potatoes contain a mix of both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber that can help with diarrhea and constipation. 

                      But if your dog is suffering from severe diarrhea, you should consult a veterinarian.

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                      Nutritional yeast or yeast extract has garnered a lot of popularity amongst health-conscious eaters. Due to its cheesy and umami taste, it's often used as a nutritious flavor enhancer and cheese substitute in various dishes. 

                      But can you share nutritional yeast with your dog?

                      The short answer is yes! Dogs can eat nutritional yeast but you shouldn’t confuse it with active yeast used for rising dough. They aren’t the same thing and while nutritional yeast is safe and healthy for a dog, active yeast can be very dangerous for their health.

                      To avoid confusion between these two and understand what nutritional yeast is, let’s start with some basics…

                      What is Yeast & How is Nutritional Yeast Made?

                      Yeasts are single-celled microorganisms that are classified as members of the fungus kingdom. Currently, there are at least 1,500 species of yeast recognized.

                      Baking and Brewer's yeast are two popular types of yeast that are used to convert the sugars of the fruit into alcohol and generate carbon dioxide gas that causes the bread to rise. 

                      While shopping in a supermarket, you’re most likely to find baker’s yeast which isn’t safe for a dog. If your dog accidentally licks some of this yeast, you should contact a veterinarian immediately. 

                      Brewer's yeast, on the other hand, is safe for a dog. 

                      Another popular type of yeast is nutritional yeast, which is safe and healthy for a dog. It’s made by deactivating the yeast with heat, which is then harvested, washed, dried, and packaged to be sold commercially as a food product. 

                      In a store, you’ll find nutritional yeast in many forms including yellow flakes, granules, paste, or powder. It can have a strong nutty or cheesy flavor that makes it a popular cheese substitute for vegans or people with lactose intolerance. 

                      Health Benefits of Nutritional Yeast for Dogs

                      Below are the 6 amazing health benefits of feeding nutritional yeast to your dog:

                      1. Rich Source of Protein

                      Nutritional yeast is a complete protein as it contains all nine amino acids. This makes it a high-quality source of plant protein that you can add to your dog’s diet. 

                      A complete and well-balanced meal enriched with protein supplements like nutritional yeast will help support many critical functions in your dog’s body. It’ll help contribute to their healthy skin & coat, muscle development, immune health, and tissue repair.

                      2. Contains B Vitamins

                      Nutritional yeast is often fortified with B complex vitamins. It contains high amounts of thiamine (B1) and vitamin B12, both of which help support brain health and boost cognitive function.

                      It’s also rich in vitamin B6 which is responsible for a healthy immune response, glucose generation, and nervous system function. Plus, it contains riboflavin (B2) which is heavily involved in the production of red blood cells in a dog’s body. 

                      But please note that these nutrients are added to the nutritional yeast during the manufacturing process. Thus the exact nutritional value of the product will vary from one manufacturer to another. You can read the labels and ingredients to get a more clear understanding of which vitamins are present in the product.

                      3. Makes the Food More Appetizing

                      If your dog is a fussy eater who turns up its nose at a certain type of food, then you can try adding some nutritional yeast or yeast extract to lure them into eating. The strong cheesy and umami taste of this yeast enhances the flavor of the food and makes it more appetizing. 

                      4. Provides Many Essential Minerals

                      Nutritional yeast contains many essential minerals like calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper, and manganese. These minerals are required for the proper growth and development of a dog’s bones, muscles, and brain. They also support various enzyme functions in your dog’s body.

                      5. Can Reduce Inflammation

                      Nutritional yeast contains glutathione and selenomethionine, two powerful antioxidants. They help protect the dog’s body from oxidation or damage caused by free radicals. It prevents unwanted inflammation and reduces the risk of chronic heart diseases. 

                      Furthermore, antioxidants can also help improve your dogs' skin and coat health and boost their immune system. If your dog is old, then the antioxidants present in nutritional yeast will also help relieve pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints.

                      6. Gluten-Free Supplement

                      Nutritional yeast is naturally gluten-free, making it a great food supplement for dogs who suffer from gluten intolerance or celiac disease. 

                      It's also dairy-free and vegan which means that it's highly unlikely that nutritional yeast will trigger any food sensitivity in your dog.

                      How to Feed Nutritional Yeast to a Dog

                      You can easily buy nutritional yeast or yeast extract from a supermarket or health food store. But make sure the yeast doesn’t contain any other ingredients, seasonings, or artificial flavors that can be harmful to your dog’s health. 

                      You can also consult with your veterinarian and buy a brand that they recommend. They can also help you determine how much nutritional yeast you should add to your dog’s diet depending on their dietary needs, age, and breed.

                      Ideally, it’s advised to add less than a teaspoon of nutritional yeast to their daily meals. You can just add it to their daily kibble meal or wet food. If you like cooking homemade treats for your dog, you can add some nutritional yeast to the recipe as well. 

                      Many dog food brands also use nutritional yeast in their recipes and there're many supplements in form of tablets and chews available for pets. You can either buy dog food that already contains yeast extract or consult with your veterinarian about adding supplements to your dog’s diet.

                      Precautions While Feeding Nutritional Yeast to Your Dog 

                      Nutritional yeast is a deactivated yeast packed with many health benefits for a dog. But just because this strain of yeast is safe and healthy for a dog, doesn't mean you can also feed them every other kind of yeast. 

                      For example, baker’s yeast, which is found in almost every household, is not safe for a dog. Even the nutritional yeast made for human consumption can contain ingredients like garlic, salt, and sugar which can be harmful to a dog’s health. 

                      Thus while shopping for nutritional yeast, make sure you properly read the labels and the ingredients or ask your veterinarian about the brands they recommend. 

                      Summing Up

                      Nutritional yeast is safe and healthy for a dog. It is a complete protein that contains many essential nutrients and antioxidants that help support your dog’s health. The fortified nutritional yeast is also a rich source of B complex vitamins required for many important body functions.

                      But remember with nutritional yeast, a little goes a long way. You should add less than a teaspoon of nutritional yeast or yeast extract into your dog’s daily meal or add some to their homemade treat recipes.

                      It’s very unlikely that your dog will experience any negative effects from a small amount of nutritional yeast, but if you have some doubts, it's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before adding anything new dog’s diet.


                      Let’s answer some frequently asked questions about feeding nutritional yeast to your dog.

                      1. Can a dog eat yeast?

                      It depends on the type of yeast. For example, baker’s yeast is not safe for a dog but nutritional yeast or yeast extract is safe and healthy for a dog. 

                      2. Can a dog eat yeast bread?

                      Yes, your dog can eat bread made with yeast. But they cannot directly eat the active baker’s yeast or the bread dough that has the yeast, as that can be harmful to their health.

                      Also, keep in mind that plain white or wheat bread is safe but unhealthy for a dog. It contains a lot of carbs that can lead to many health problems. So either try and avoid bread altogether or feed it in small amounts occasionally. 

                      3. Can a dog eat brewer’s yeast?

                      Yes, dogs can eat small amounts of brewer’s yeast. This type of yeast is used for brewing beer and it contains many vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for your dog. Many dog food brands also use brewer’s yeast in their recipes.

                      4. Can a dog eat yeast rolls?

                      Yes, dogs can eat yeast rolls in small amounts occasionally. But they cannot directly eat the active yeast used to make the dough of the yeast rolls as that can harm their health.

                      If, in case, your dog has accidentally licked active baker’s yeast, contact a veterinarian immediately. 

                      5. Can a dog eat nutritional yeast extract?

                      Yes, dogs can eat nutritional yeast extract. But it shouldn’t contain any additional ingredients, seasoning, or flavors as these can be harmful to a dog’s health.

                      Try to buy nutritional yeast extract from dog-friendly brands and avoid those made for human consumption. 

                      If you are confused or overwhelmed by the options, consult with your veterinarian to decide which brand of nutritional yeast extract you should buy for your dog.

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